Needs versus wants, do you know the difference?
I was appalled at the lack of preparedness and the panic that followed a lock down. Even being forewarned people went out and stockpiled TOILET PAPER (?!?!?!) of all things! I was in a perpetual state of WTF?! there for a while. Now to most toilet paper may seem a necessity but is it really? Can you live without it? Do you not have anything else in the house that you wipe your ass with? Are you not capable of shitting in the woods and finding the proper weeds? Now I'll admit I rather like sitting on the toilet and wiping with something soft and can be flushed, something that I don't have to look at, wash, smell or bury. It is a luxury though...

Let's start with food. So what should you always have on hand? What are foods that a totally unprepared person that doesn't forage, grow, harvest, can, dehydrate, vacuum seal or kill, should always have on hand? Here's a short list to start you off:
Unsweetened Almond Milk. This stuff has a very long shelf life and can be used in place of milk. It doesn't need to be refrigerated until it's opened either. Being lactose intolerant I always have at least a dozen of them on hand.
Powdered Milk. Same as above, only it doesn't have to be refrigerated. Just add water! It is also great in a bath too! So if you forget you have it instead of throwing it away just add hot water and your tired body! Powdered milk can last indefinitely if stored properly.
Fresh Eggs. Now fresh eggs (I use chicken and duck and the occasional batch of quail eggs), so long as you don't wash the protective membrane off, will last on the counter for a few weeks. If you store them properly though can last longer! I leave mine unwashed, in a cool dark place (not the fridge!!!) for about 4 weeks or so. Once they get about a month old (I have gone muuuucccchhhh longer but it's not recommended by "the people that research this shit") I boil them as hard boiled eggs or I fry and dehydrate them for egg powder. I also keep the shells for my plants but that's another post for another day! (The water I boil my eggs in I use on my plants too so no waste!)
Coconut Oil. YEAH, yeah, yeah I know how very "basic white girl" of me, huh? Well put aside your *censored* for a minute and think logically. It's great in the kitchen, great for your pets, can also be used in the bathroom, bedroom (lubricant), medicinally and you can brush your teeth and shit with it too. Now there's a bazillion blogs and testimonials on it's uses so I won't beat a dead horse just know that you should have it! It's not something I carry in my bug out bag but it's something I always have at home and it's easy to acquire.
Baking Powder. I buy the big bags lol. Again this is essential to have. Cooking, baking, cleaning, brushing your teeth, putting out a grease fire, clean your hair, soften beans, make clay for the kiddos, takes the sting outta sunburn, antacid, safe weed killer, etc.

Canned chicken, canned tuna, canned meat. Sounds gross if you're used to eating the real, fresh, lean shit but when you"re starving it'll come in handy. I dehydrate, vacuum seal and can but I still always have the canned versions too. JUST IN CASE!. I could make my homemade chicken soup with canned chicken. If I hadn't eaten meat, fish or poultry in awhile it's gonna taste delicious anyways. If you can't get to the butcher or store are you really gonna bitch over chicken in a can? If you get the right kind it has a very long shelf life and if it expires feed it to the stray cats to fatten them up... "just in case"! *winkwink*
BEANS!!!!!! Now I keep dry beans and canned beans (not in a heavy oil has a longer shelf life). I'm more fond of dry beans to cook but during an apocalypse the canned version will be quicker and doesn't require prep work or cooking. Properly stored dry beans can last indefinitely.
Powders. I make my own onion powder, garlic powder, pepper powder, etc. SO these are great to add flavor and last forever! Lots of protein powders, shakes, etc have a long shelf life. As does flour (I use almond, coconut, rice, etc as I have a gluten allergy), corn starch (great for cauterizing a small wound!), etc. Most powders will last a long time if you get the right kind (no colors, fillers, chemicals, etc) and will be a welcome addition to your diet if you're "digging in".
Dehydrated foods. Sounds simple but there is a HUGE difference between what you buy in a store and what you or your neighbor can make. I'm not suggesting you run out and buy a water bath canning system and a pressure canner (different from a pressure cooker). I'm suggesting doing your research and buy from a local farm or someone you can trust. I love my dehydrated lemons! I use them in tea and cleaning products. I use my other fruits in my GF oatmeal, teas, I pulverize some and use in shakes and smoothies. Can also be used as topping for ice cream or yogurt too. (which yes is a luxury but, hopefully, whatever you're preparing for will end and you can go back to luxuries!) Lots of dehydrated foods just require the addition of a liquid to make them palatable which makes them a great item to stock! Dehydrated meat can keep for a long time (if prepared and stored properly) and just toss in some boiling water to rehydrate and you can be eating meat for a long time while everyone else is starving.
Water. Now this does not mean to go out and buy a shit ton of plastic (ewww) water bottles. That shit has a shelf life too, you know? At any given time I have 30 gallons of fresh water, water purification tablets, water purification straws, charcoal and bleach (yes you can purify water with bleach). I also know where the well is, a stream and a river all within walking distance of my house. I cycle my water every 6 months to keep it fresh even though they are stored in carryable BPA free containers. I also ONLY USE THEM FOR WATER! I keep all my water jugs filled and know in an emergency situation I can also use my washing machine, toilet tanks and bathtubs to fill full also (line them with a garbage bag and cover them and you're good!). When I cycle it I use the water for my plants so it doesn't go to waste.
Rice. Add a little water and some onion or garlic powder, canned chicken and you'll eat like a king for awhile! Rice, stored properly will last a really long time! If stored properly rice can last 20-30 years!
Honey. Obviously this could be used as a luxury item too but not only is it good for your body but if you use Manuka honey it's medicinal as well. Manuka honey has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. It has traditionally been used for wound healing, soothing sore throats, preventing tooth decay and improving digestive issues. Not only should your pantry have it but your medicine cabinet as well! Can be used after it's expiration date and doesn't require refrigeration or heat!
Hardtack. There's boat loads of recipes out there, it requires ingredients everyone has and lasts longer than the ingredients will lol. Tastes bland but a great survival food. There was even some found from the civil war that was still edible. Dip in water (or your broth!) or fry it (with your coconut oil and dehydrated veggies!) to make it edible!
Dry pasta. So long as it's not opened it'll last years, we'll beyond the expiration date!
Stockpile all the above and you're good for a long ass time! Now here's some non-essential food items that I like to keep on hand because they have a long shelf life too! We'll call them non-essential luxury optional items:
Gnocchi (this shit has at least a year shelf life!!) Only requires water to boil and you can throw just about any sauce on it. Goes great with every meal too! (Plus it's GF for us allergic types.)
Broths. I make my own but a lot of the organic types have at least a year long shelf life too! Great for cooking, drinking or add to damn dog food to make it taste better (for the dog or you if you're desperate!). Boil your rice in some bone or chicken broth and it'll go from bland to bourgeoisie!
Instant coffee, teas or those powdered sugar free Crystal life type drink mixes. These will help you consume more liquids but will also help with flavor if you've been living off of rice and beans for awhile. The added pick me up will help too! A completely bland diet can wear on you mentally so just the addition of a burst of flavor can go a long way in battling depression and zombies!
Herbs. I grow and dehydrate a lot of mine, forage in the woods and sometimes even barter and trade with friends. Again this is more for taste and a pick-me-up but a lot of herbs have medicinal and digestive perks as well so if you have the space stock up!
Veggies. Now I love me some fresh veggies, in fact every meal I have fruits and/or veggies. I love the texture, I love them raw, cooked, steamed, fried, grilled. I have never met a veggie I didn't like. Let's be realistic though, fresh is hard to get when the world shuts down. So canned (store bought kind) can store for a long time (so long as it's low in acid) ,frozen (what happens when there's no power though?) and my fave back-ups...dehydrated and canned (home canned or pickled). If you and your friends don't can or dehydrate go to a farmer's market, co-op, whole foods store or even apothocary. A lot of these will have locally grown and/or will be organic. This is also a great way to meet like minded folk that will have a wealth of info!
Peanut butter. I keep the organic, locally made without xanthan gum (toxic for dogs) in bulk. Peanut butter is great by itself, seems like a treat, good for you and great for your dogs too! (doesn't require refrigeration or cooking either!)
Salt. Duh. Good for cooking and great for cuts. Hurts like fucking holy hell but will clean a cut and help it clot faster, draw out infection and can be used on your pets (dilute with water unless you wanna get bit!). Salt is also great for softening and exfoliating the skin so can be used in the bathroom or thrown on the sidewalk to melt the ice.
OK so there's the basics. Maybe I'll get around to organizing and taking pictures of my pantries one day. I'm hoping to one day get a you-tube channel going but I have no idea how to make a video let alone edit one! So moving on.. Let's talk everything else! As you'll see a lot of what I stock has more than one purpose. So while waiting on the apocalypse I can use them for multiple things and just replenish when I get low. I also use the first in (longest expiration date goes in the back), last out (use the closest expiration date first) rule when stocking.
Calendula and Witch Hazel. I get most of my oils, beeswax and other ingredients from an online trusted source. Since I make my own body butters, lotions, creams, muscle rubs, cleaners, etc. I need to know they're coming from a reputable company. Calendula and witch hazel are 2 things every medicine cabinet and beauty cabinet should have. My Kelly's miracle cream is a staple in the shop because the guys are always cutting, blistering or wounding themselves. Slather some in a wound or on road rash and that shit heals up in a third of the time.
Essential oil. I'm going all basic white girl on ya again. Seriously though, what happens when your plants die and you can't get medicine? Got a yeast infection? Sinus infection? Headache? Pulled muscle? Sciatica? Dogs getting ticks? Need to keep mosquitoes away? I dab some Japanese Peppermint oil mixed with a carrier oil on the inside of my nose and my sinuses instantly clear. I can cure a yeast infection in 24 hours. No medicine has ever done that!
White vinegar. Another staple with multiple uses. I always have tons on hand!
Alcohol and peroxide. Duh.
Batteries. Lots and lots of batteries, in all sizes. I also have an old fashioned wind up flashlight.
Flashlights, candles, lanterns, lighters, matches, etc. Now so long as you store candles correctly they will last forever! Tea lights are also food to have because they can be used in place of sterno, don't let off too much light so you're not seen as easily and are easy to store and carry. I keep regular matches, waterproof matches and flint. Do you know how to start a fire without a flame? ...
Weapons. Self-explanatory and if you're one of those types that don't think you need them please send me your address and I'll check in on ya a few weeks into the Apocalypse!
Medicine. I always keep an extra inhaler in my bug out bag, benedryl, 800 mg Motrin (thank you VA!) and something stronger than can be used to knock someone out if necessary!
There's a lot more that can be stockpiled and gone over, debated on this subject. I've left out quite a few things because this is a starter list, something everyone can start stockpiling for now. It's taken me years to make a plan and start checking things off me list. I'll tell you what though, when everything shut down I was ready. I didn't have to leave, panic, stress, or freak out. I didn't run out or low on anything and what I did use I added to my grocery list to restock once the world started opening back up. So I hope this helps and was informative, I'd love to hear some feedback so please leave me a comment below!
Kelly :)
Didn't know about the eggs and bleach. Thank you for being so informative.